A Résumé Of Failure
Hand typed on to 6x6” recycled sturdy card stock
Add new lines each day
to your résumé of failure
explore new things
invest in your ideas
share what you have made
even if doing so
makes you feel stupid
or useless or small
go to new places
meet new people
don’t be afraid
of being a novice
a beginner or a noob
the first step is always
simply showing up
to keep putting yourself out
into a world that makes
no promise to receive you
takes heroic courage
but a life like that
is an unqualified success
Hand typed on to 6x6” recycled sturdy card stock
Add new lines each day
to your résumé of failure
explore new things
invest in your ideas
share what you have made
even if doing so
makes you feel stupid
or useless or small
go to new places
meet new people
don’t be afraid
of being a novice
a beginner or a noob
the first step is always
simply showing up
to keep putting yourself out
into a world that makes
no promise to receive you
takes heroic courage
but a life like that
is an unqualified success
Hand typed on to 6x6” recycled sturdy card stock
Add new lines each day
to your résumé of failure
explore new things
invest in your ideas
share what you have made
even if doing so
makes you feel stupid
or useless or small
go to new places
meet new people
don’t be afraid
of being a novice
a beginner or a noob
the first step is always
simply showing up
to keep putting yourself out
into a world that makes
no promise to receive you
takes heroic courage
but a life like that
is an unqualified success